Eulogy for a friend: Did Mike Wilder really say that out loud?

People develop interesting bonds in compact work spaces where creative minds are churning in a highly combustible atmosphere. Co-workers alternately love, loathe and tolerate each other -- the occasional shouting aside. They laugh easily, sometimes with gallows humor while minor jealousies simmer within a cauldron of bad or slightly nervous annoying habits. When things go … Continue reading Eulogy for a friend: Did Mike Wilder really say that out loud?

Snow in April? Remembering the Frozen Greater Greensboro Open of 1987

A couple of years ago when sorting through old boxes I happened upon a column from April 4, 1987 during sports writing days that I wrote for the Burlington Times-News. Back then, the Greater Greensboro Open  was played the week before the Masters. — which would be this particular week. It was a popular tournament … Continue reading Snow in April? Remembering the Frozen Greater Greensboro Open of 1987